国际照明委员会(英语:International Commission on Illumination,法语:Commission internationale de l'é clai-rage,采用法语简称为 CIE)是一个有关光学、照明、颜色和色度空间科学领域的国际权威组织,成立于1913年,其总部位于奥地利维也纳。


国际照明委员会(CIE)将于2011年7月10~15日在南非太阳城(Sun City)举行第27届大会。CIE大会每四年举行一次,会议的主要内容是展示光源与照明领域的最新研究成果,涉及国际照明委员会七个分部及各技术委员会的工作。


地点:南非Groenkloof 0181,Wenning街37号
主持人:Robert J.Henderson
秘书长:John T. Grundy
Email: lsp1229@sina.com.cn

Pianesberg A + Omega
09:00 开幕式
09:10 Rob Davies 博士(部长:南非工贸部)致辞
  Pianesberg A + Omega(D1
主持人: Ronnier Luo(英国)
Pilanesberg B(D2)
主持人:Peter Blattner (中国)
Royal Ballroom South(D3)
主持人:Jan Ejhed (瑞典)
09:30~09:45 OP01主讲人:Teresa Goodman (英国)
主题:The Physics of Perception: Measurement of Naturalness
To be Confirmed (Paper Withdrawn) OP09 主讲人:Valerio R.M.Lo Verso,(意大利)
主题:Climate-Based Metrics for Daylighting and Impact of Building Architectural Features on Daylight Availability
09:45~10:00 OP02主讲人:David R, Simmons, (英国)
主题:Consensus Coding as a tool in Visual Appearance Research
OP06主讲人:Stefan Winter, (德国)
主题:Detector Based Traceability Chain for Spectral Irradiance using Tuneable Lasers,Indepent frim Blackbody Radiators
OP10主讲人:John Mardaljevic,(英国)
主题:Daylighting Metrics for Residential Buildings
10:00~10:15 OP03To be Confirmed (Paper Withdrawn) OP07 主讲人:Richard Young, (德国)
主题:Wavelength Calibration of Array Spectroradiometers
OP11主讲人:Tommy Goven, (瑞典)
主题:The Influence of Ambient Light in the Performance,Mood and Endocrine Systems of School Chilren
10:15~10:30 OP04主讲人:Di Lou, (中国)
主题:The Study of Eyestrain and Lighting Conditions
OP08 主讲人:Yoshi Ohno(美国)
主题: Measirement of Bandpass for Array Spectroradiometers
OP12主讲人:Hongyi Cai, (美国)
主题:High Dynamic Range Photogrammetric Techniques: A new Tool for Lighting Quality Assessment
10:30 休息时间
11:00 (Pianesberg A + Omega)
特邀发言人:Rogier Van der Heide 主题:“ Design and open innovation”
主持人: Jan Ejhed. (瑞典)
  Pianesberg A + Omega Pilanesberg B Royal Ballroom South
11:30~13:00 研讨会1:
发言人:Simon RG Hall,(英国)
题目:Emrp Metrology for Solid State Lighting Project
13:00 午餐时间
  Pianesberg A + Omega Pilanesberg B Royal Ballroom South
14:00~17:00 DIV会议 DIV会议 DIV会议
14:00~17:00 TC会议
Pianesberg A + Omega
09:00 特邀发言人: Liisa Halonen
主题:“CIE Recommended System for Mesopic Photometry”
主持人:Miyoshi Ayama, (日本)
  Pianesberg A + Omega(D5)
主持人: Nigel Pollard,(英国)
Pilanesberg B(D2)
主持人:Georg Sauter, (DE)
Royal Ballroom South(D3)
主持人:Yokio Akashi (JP)
09:30~09:45 OP13主讲人:Cyril Chain, (法国)
主题:Diagnostic of Outdoor Lighting-Metrology Based on Airplane Measurements
OP17 主讲人:Matthias Lindemann, (德国)
主题:A Brief History of Traceable Goniophotometry at PTB
OP21主讲人:Wendy Davis, (美国)
主题:Perception of Correlated Color Temoeratre: The Color of White
09:45~10:00 OP14主讲人:Andreaes Walkling, (DE)
主题:Comparison between CIE and LiTG Method for Minimizing Obtrusive Glare from Outdoor Lighting Installations
OP18 主讲人:Cameron Miller,(美国)
主题:Uncertainty Analysis of Integrated Goniometric Measurements
OP22主讲人:Stece Fotuis,(英国)
主题: Using Adjustment to define Preferred Illuminances:Do the Results have any Value?
10:00~10:15 OP15主讲人:Tomas Novak,(捷克)
主题:Analysis and Evaluation of Measuring Lighting Parameters under the Night Sky
OP19 主讲人:Tony Bergen, (澳大利亚)
主题:A Practical Method of Comparing Luminous Intensity Distributions
OP23主讲人:Jennifer A. Veitch, (加拿大)
主题: Individual Control over Light Source Spectrum: Effects on Perception and Cognition
10:15~10:30 OP16主讲人:Lidija Djokic, (塞尔维亚)
主题: What should be considereed by Lighting Masterplans and how
OP20 主讲人:Teresa Goodman,(英国)
主题:The Mesopic Lumen-Fact or Fiction?
OP24主讲人:Martine Knoop, (荷兰)
主题:Lighting Quality Measures for Interior Lighting with LED Lighting Systems
10:30 休息时间
  Pianesberg A + Omega(D1)
主持人:Janos Schanda,(匈牙利)
Pilanesberg B(D2)
主持人:Armin Sperling, (德国)
Royal Ballroom South(D3)
主持人:Peter Dehoff, (奥地利)
11:00~11:30 Presented Posters Presented Posters Presented Posters
11:00~11:05 PP01主讲人:Qi Yao, (中国)
主题:Visual Character Research on Elderly People
PP07 主讲人:Andras Poppe, (匈牙利)
主题:Ageing of LEDS:A Comprehensive Study Based on the LM80 Standard and Thermal Transient Measurements
PP13主讲人:Birthe Tralau, (奥地利)
主题: Extension of Lighting Quality Cruteria and their Evaluation for Different Application Areas
11:05~11:10 PP02主讲人:Giuseppe Rossi,(奥地利)
主题: A Comparison between Different Light Sources Induced Glare on Perceived Contrast
PP08 主讲人:Thorsten Gerloff, (德国)
主题:Measurements on OLEDs:Optical Properties,Reference Standards,Stability
PP50主讲人:Birthe Tralau, (奥地利)
主题:Investigation of Perception Oriented Lighting Design Aspects for Shops to increase the Attention of Customers
11:10~11:15 PP03主讲人:Zsolt Kosztyan,(匈牙利)
主题:Sample Selection for a Colour Fidelity Index
PP09 主讲人:Denan Konjhodzic, (德国)
主题:Integrating Sphere and Goniospectroradiometry for Led Assemblies
PP14主讲人:Dionyz Gasparovsky, (斯洛伐克)
主题:New Approach to Determination of Luminare Maintenance Factor Curves for Various Conditions
11:15~11:20 PP04主讲人:Balazs Kranicz,(匈牙利)
主题:Anomalies of the Concept Correlated Color Temperature
PP10 主讲人:Forment S, (比利时)
主题:Spectral UV Irradiance Measurements with a Double Monochromator-Spectrograph Measuring Instrument
PP15主讲人:Wouter Ryckaert, (比利时)
主题:Performance of LED Linear Replacement Lamps
11:20~11:25 PP05主讲人:Tashiro Tomonori,(日本)
主题:Discomfor Glare Evaluation to White LEDs with Different Spatial Arrangment
PP11 主讲人:Hans Liedberg, (南非)
主题:Spectral Responsivity Measurements of Radiation Thermometers at NMISA
PP17主讲人:Niloofar Moghbel, (德国)
主题:Application of a New Developed Computer Based Method for Evaluationg Visual Displays in office Buildings under Different Lighting Conditions
11:25~11:30 PP06主讲人:Miyoshi Ayama,(日本)
主题:Estimation of Light Scatter in Ocular Media using Psychophysical Method and its Relation to Legibility
PP12 主讲人:George Eppeldauer, (美国)
主题:Uniform Broad-Band UV Irradiance Measurements of 365 nm LEDs
PP18主讲人:Luc Schlangen,(荷兰)
主题:Enhancing Patient Well-being and Recovery with Hospital Lighting
11:30~13:00 Poster 研讨会2:
会议召集人:Jennifer Veitch,(CA) & John O’Hagan, (英国)
发言人:Yasuko Koga,(日本)
题目:A Pilit Experiment on SpectralResponse Sensitivity of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus(the Chief Circadian Pacemaker)
发言人:Hiroki Noguchi, (日本)
题目:Effects of Dawn Simulation on Quality of Life in Elementary School Children
主讲人:Luke Price, (英国)
主题:Performance Assessment of Commercial Circadian Personal Exposure Devices
13:00 午餐时间
  Pianesberg A + Omega Pilanesberg B Royal Ballroom South
14:00~17:00 DIV会议 DIV会议 DIV会议
14:00~17:00 TC会议 TC会议 TC会议
Pianesberg A + Omega
09:00 特邀发言人:Rainer Neumann
主题:“LED Headlamps in Automotive Lighting-Opportunities all Vehicle Segments”
主持人:Ad de Visser, (荷兰)
  Pianesberg A + Omega(D8)
主持人:Jam ,Morovic(英国)
Pilanesberg B(D4)
主持人:Ron Gibbons,(美国)
Royal Ballroom South(D3)
主持人:Jennifer Veltch(加拿大)
09:30~09:45 OP25主讲人:Jon Yngve Hardseberg,(挪威)
主题:Towards One-shot Multispectral Color Image Acquisition
OP29主讲人:Giuseppe Rossi,(意大利)
主题:Optimization of Energy Consumptions in Road Lighting
OP33主讲人:Susumu Sugano,(日本)
主题:Generation of Discomfort Glare Image Using Wavelet Transform
09:45~10:00 OP26主讲人:Po-Chieh Hung,(美国)
主题:A Color Conversion Method which allows Colorblind and Normal-Vision People share Documents with Color Content
OP30主讲人:Peter Schwarcz,(匈牙利)
主题:Energy Efficiency Indicators in Street Lighting Applications
OP34主讲人:Anna Pellegrino,(意大利)
主题:LED Lighting quality assessment for museum showcases
10:00~10:15 OP27主讲人:Alata Olivier,(法国)
主题:A Model Based Framework for Land Cover Color Texture Classification in high Resoulution Satellite Images
OP31主讲人:Etsuko Mochizuki,(日本)
主题:Effects of Chromatic Adaptation on Visibility at Transient Dark Adaptation
OP35主讲人:Amelie Martinez,(法国)
主题:A new sky subdivision for climate-based daylight modeling
10:15~10:30 OP28主讲人:Mojtaba Navvab,(美国)
主题:Measureable Domain for Color Differences within Virtual Environment
OP32主讲人:Cyril Chain,(法国)
主题:Road Surface Photometry-Simple Ways to determin Key Reflection Parameters
OP36主讲人:Ralf Mueller,(德国)
主题:Integrated Facade and Room Light Concept
10:30 休息时间
  Pianesberg A + Omega(D1+D2)
主持人:Miyoshi Ayama(日本)
Pilanesberg B(D4)
主持人:Dionyz Gasparovsky,(斯洛伐克)
Royal Ballroom South(D3)
主持人:Peter Thorns,(英国)
11:00~11:30 Presented Posters Presented Posters Presented Posters
11:00~11:05 PP19主讲人:Ingrid Vogels,(荷兰)
主题:Visible Aetefacts of LEDs
PP25主讲人:Gluseppe Rossi,(意大利)
主题:Energy Saving and Environmental Compatibility in Road lighting
PP31主讲人David Carter,(英国)
主题:Evaluation and Application of Guided daylight systems
11:05~11:10 PP20主讲人:Nils Haferkemper,(德国)
主题:Mesopic Brightness-a Display experiment series and comparison with the New CIE-Brightness Model
PP26主讲人:Eric Dumont,(法国)
主题:Introducing forward scattering in adaptive rear lighting systems
PP32主讲人:Stanislav Darula,(斯洛伐克)
主题:Influence of the sky luminace type on the light transmission efficiency of tubular light guides
11:10~11:15 PP21主讲人:Pietro Fiorentin,(意大利)
主题:Evaluation of colour quality based on adjusted unique hues
PP27主讲人:Ronald Gibbons,(美国)
主题:A tale of three cities: performance assessment of alternative roadway lighting systems
PP33主讲人:Toshie Iwata,(日本)
主题:View contact and Illuminance distribution provided by blind control for glare-free daylit environment
11:15~11:20 PP22主讲人:Nana Itoh,(日本)
主题:Span of color similarity of low vision:The meaning of similar for low vision
PP28主讲人:Sermin Onaygil,(土耳其)
主题:cost analyses of LEDs in road lighting
PP34主讲人:Toshie Iwata,(日本)
主题:Assessment of discomfort glare from Windows with venetian blind using Luminace distribution images
11:20~11:25 PP23主讲人:M.Berker Yurtseven,(土耳其)
主题:Thermal Analysis Methods and Processes in LED Luminaire Design
PP29主讲人:Hayato Ito,(日本)
主题:Visibility of critical objects and preceding cars for tunnel entrance ligthing
PP35主讲人:Paulo Sergio Scarazzato,(巴西)
主题:HDR images in the study of sky vault luminance distribution and identification of prevailing sky types
11:25~11:30 PP24主讲人:Raisa Stolyarevskaya,(俄罗斯)
主题:Vnisi testing center for solid state lighting application
PP30主讲人:Alexey korobko,(俄罗斯)
主题:The measurement of road luminance irrespective of pavement surface condition
PP36主讲人:Cornelia vandahl,(德国)
主题:light and health in factory work places
11:30~13:00 Poster 研讨会3
主题:Elderly and Visually Impaired People
会议召集人:Cyril Chain,(法国) Yukio Akashi,(日本)
13:00 午餐时间
  Pianesberg A + Omega Pilanesberg B Royal Ballroom South
14:00~17:00 TC会议
Pianesberg A + Omega
09:00 特邀发言人:Refuoe Pepenene“Radiometry if Billirubin Phototherapy”
主持人:Ann Webb, (英国)
  Pianesberg A + Omega(D1)
主持人:Mike Pointer(英国)
Pilanesberg B(D4)
主持人:Carl Andersen (美国)
Royal Ballroom South(D3)
主持人:Martine Knoop,(荷兰)
09:30~09:45 OP37主讲人:Joanne Zwinkels, (加拿大)
主题:CIE whiteness assessment of papers:impact of LED Illumination
OP41主讲人:Steve Fotios, (英国)
主题:Proposed UK Guidance for lighting in Residential Roads
OP45主讲人:Claudia Naves David Amorim, (巴西)
主题:Architectural variables and its impact in daylighting:using of dynamic simulation in brazilian context
09:45~10:00 OP38主讲人:Li-Chen Ou,(英国)
主题:Colour emotion and harmony: past,present and the future
OP42主讲人:Xiaoyan Zhu, (中国)
主题:Visual Mechanism Glare from LED road lights
OP46主讲人:Celine Villa, (法国)
主题:A new methodology to obtain optimal tradeoffs between energy efficientcy and visual comfor for office lighting design
10:00~10:15 OP39主讲人:Geza Varady, (匈牙利)
主题:Mesopic spectral glare sensitivity-on the track of possible computational method for reaction to broadband stimuli based on narrowband responses
OP43主讲人:Miomir Kostic, (塞尔维亚)
主题:LEDs in street and ambient lighting:two case studies
OP47主讲人:Yoshiki Nakamura, (日本)
主题:lighting design method applicable both to day lighting and to electric lighting using luminance limage
10:15~10:30 OP40主讲人:Peter Bodrogi, (德国)
主题:Spectral Sensitivity and additivity of discomfor glare under street and automotive lighting conditions
OP44主讲人:Christoph Schiller, (德国)
主题:Latest LED-projects in Germany: Energy saving potential,lighting quality and evaluation of 10 state-aided interior-and street lighting led projects
OP48主讲人:Peter Dehoff, (奥地利)
主题:A standard for workplaces:The revised European standard EN 12464-1
10:30 休息时间
  Pianesberg A + Omega(D5)
主持人:Peter Schwarcz,(匈牙利)
Pilanesberg B(D2)
主持人:Tony Bergen, (澳大利亚)
Royal Ballroom South(D3+D6)
主持人:Marc Fintitnont,(法国)
11:00~11:30 Presented Posters Presented Posters Presented Posters
11:00~11:05 PP37 主讲人:Fabio Bisegna,(意大利)
主题:Night Time Lighting for the city of Rome Pedestrians
PP43 主讲人:Ken Koizumi,(日本)
主题:Some Considerations on Luminous Flux Measurement HP LEDs
PP49 主讲人:Steve Fotios,(英国)
主题:Which Comes First, the Laptop or the lighting?
11:05~11:10 PP38 主讲人:Ulrika Wanstrom Lindh,(瑞典)
主题:Lighting Design Research in Public Space
PP44 主讲人:Arno Keppens,(比利时)
主题:Efficiency Evaluation and Comparison of Phosphor-White and RGB Packages for High-power White Light-Emitting Diode Applications
PP16 主讲人:Shiung-Yeh Li,(台湾)
主题:The Analysis of Daylight Glare Factors for Printed-Text Reading
11:10~11:15 PP39 主讲人:Conniasselle Thomas,(比利时)
主题:Study of the implementation of LED Technology in Brussels through Laboratory Measurements and Concrete applications on the fiel
PP45 主讲人:Antonio Francisco Gentil Ferreira Junior,(巴西)
主题:Higj Illuminance intercomparison using a Characterized FEL Lamp Type Source
PP51 主讲人:Dominique Dumortier,(法国)
主题:CIE sky types frequencies all over Europe on www.satel-light.com
11:15~11:20 PP40 主讲人:Yuki Akizukl,(日本)
主题:Assignment of Usage Lighting with outdoor rescue work and medical activity at night
PP46 主讲人:Alejandro Ferrero,(西班牙)
主题:Principal Components Analysis on the spectral Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
PP52 主讲人:Warren Julian,(澳大利亚)
主题:Towards a Predictive Tool for Gloom
11:20~11:25 PP41 主讲人:Corinne Lac-Batel,(法国)
主题:Maintenance Factor of outdoor LED lighting Installation
PP47 主讲人:Yuqin Zong,(美国)
主题:Development of a Fully Automated Measurement System for LED Lifetime Test
PP53 主讲人:Mojtaba Navvab,(美国)
主题:Lighting Aspects for Plant Growth in Controlled Environments
11:25~11:30 PP42 主讲人:Ramotholo Sefako,(南非)
主题:Protection of Optical Astronomy against Light Pollution in South Africa
PP48 主讲人:Jianping Wang,(中国)
主题:Characterization and Measurement of LED Lighting Sources with Dynamic Control
PP54 主讲人:F. Bisegna,(意大利)
主题:Human Psychophysiological Reactions under Different Lighting Conditions
11:30~13:00 Poster 研讨会3
主题:Discomfort Glare
会议召集人:Jennifer Veitch, CA& Werner Osterhaus,(丹麦)
13:00 午餐时间
  Pianesberg A + Omega Pilanesberg B Royal Ballroom South
14:00~17:00 DIV会议 DIV会议 DIV会议
14:00~17:00 TC会议 TC会议 TC会议
Pianesberg A + Omega
09:00 特邀发言人:Wendy Davis 主题:“Colour Rendering”
主持人:Ellen Carter, (美国)
  Pianesberg A + Omega(D1)
主持人:Ellen Carter(美国)
Pilanesberg B(D6)
主持人:Andrew Smedley,(英国)
Royal Ballroom South(D2+D3)
主持人:Teresa Goodman,(英国)
09:30~09:45 OP49主讲人:Kevin W Houser,(美国)
主题:Visual Optimization of Trichromatic light sources peak wavelength adjustment of the red primary
OP53主讲人:Natasha Nel-Sakharova,(南非)
主题:UVR protective Materials Used in Shading
OP57主讲人:Udo Kruger,(德国)
主题:Spectral properties of imaging luminance measuring devices considering the angular dependence of the spectral transmission of filters
09:45~10:00 OP50主讲人:Kaida Xiao,(英国)
主题:Evaluation of Unique Hue Predictions in CIECAM02 by using Unique Hue Data
OP54主讲人:Toshimasa Kawanishi,(日本)
主题:Electronically Sweep-type Measurement equipment for sky ultraviolet radiation and UV shade chart
OP58主讲人:Jiangen Pan,(中国)
主题:Total luminous flux and chromacity measurement for LED luminaires using absolute interating sphere method
10:00~10:15 OP51主讲人:Peter Csuti,(匈牙利)
主题:Improved color matching functions for better visual matching of LED sources
OP55主讲人:Hans-Dieter Reidenbach,(德国)
主题:Proposal for classification of light sources according to the capability to Impair visual functions Due to Temporary Blinding
OP59主讲人:federico favero,(瑞典)
主题:Natural light-daylight and artificial light qualities for the design of future spaces-development of a methodology
10:15~10:30 OP52主讲人:Ronnier Luo,(英国)
主题:A Dataset for Evaluating colour rendering property of lamps
OP56主讲人:Simon RG Hall,(英国)
主题:Advanced Optical Radiation Safety analysis using Novel Modular Software
OP60主讲人:Janos Schanda,(匈牙利)
主题:Brightness,Visual Comfort and task performance
10:30 休息时间
  Presented Posters Presented Posters Presented Posters
11:30~13:00 研讨会5
主题:Colour Rendering
会议召集人:Mike Point,(英国)
发言人:Kevin Smet,(比利时)
题目:Optimization of Colour quality of Solid-State lighting based on Memory Colours
发言人:Ferenc Szabo,(匈牙利)
题目:A new method for investigating colour harmony distortion of light sources
主题:Photobiological Safety of lighting products and Measurement Issues
会议召集人:Tongsheng Mou,(中国)
发言人:Mario Blumthaler
题目:Application of array sprctrometer for solar UV measurement to detemination biological weighted dose
发言人:Werner Horak,(德国)
题目:Simplified Approach for Classification the potential photobiological hazards of LEDs according to CIR S009
发言人:Rolf Bergman
题目:Evaluation of Retinal Hazards of LEDs according S009
13:00 午餐时间
  Pianesberg A + Omega Pilanesberg B Royal Ballroom South
14:00~17:00 TC会议


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