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  • 单体电器箱

    特点: 1.首创配套灯管ACCF及ACVF管制,延长小功率HlD灯管寿命及光哀缓慢色温变化小之特点. 2.启动到稳态,有开路电压补偿功能,稳态时间短,电弧稳定无二次触发现象。保护灯管,延长寿命. 3.电源电压变动,线性管制,工作电流,电压,平滑、稳定、确保灯管及电器寿命. 4.高低频同步触发器功能触发准确,HQI长距离点火可达10米,热态再启动时由于高频脉冲能够加速电离能量.降低着火电位,不会产生电弧收缩,能顺利再启动,不伤灯管.
    [上海市]上海森觅得光电科技有限公司   发布时间:2014/03/25

  • 电感镇流器

    澳洲认证B2级,13-36W插管适用。 Efficient,energy saving,thune rproof,anti-radiation,high power rate:0.98,automatic resonance wave coefficient less than twice exampling,over-voltage,over-current protection,highly increasing reliability of bassast,average life more than 2000 hours. goods description: 1.Specifions:1) 70% energy saving than magnetic ballast. Needless of starter and complementary capacitance. 2) without noise pollution. 3) start the light quickly without the flare and frequent flash. 4) output clamp tm can prevent the damage of super voltage and super current. 5) power factor is more than 0.9, no negative effect on the circuit or other electrical equipment.
    [广东省 - 中山]中山市东升镇坦背强力电子厂   发布时间:2014/03/12

  • 电感整流器/钠灯

    功率:50W 输入电压:220V 功率因数:0.85 功率:75W 输入电压:220V 功率因数:0.85 功率:250W 输入电压:220V 功率因数:0.85 功率:1000W 输入电压:220V 输入电压:0.85
    [浙江省 - 金华市]横店集团浙江得邦公共照明有限公司   发布时间:2014/03/11

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