照明设计软件 DIALux 4.8升级版
- 软件大小:
- 软件性质:免费软件
- 更新时间:2011-05-09
- 下载次数:5586
- 软件语言:简体中文
- 上传整理:中照网
- 软件类别:应用文档/国产软件
- 应用平台:Win 7/WinXP/Win2000
The new specifications for the calculation of the energy demand of lighting according to the EnEV2009 are now completely integrated in DIALux. As always DIALux is up to date with the latest regulations.
DIALux has been completely adapted to the handling of absolute photometry. The North American Standard IES LM 79 gives guidelines for the handling and photometric testing of SLL luminaires (Solid State Lighting / LED Fixtures). To do a correct interpretation and documentation in DIALux has been one of the mayor changes of this version. It is therefore maintain that DIALux is 100% LED compatible.
DIALux is completely adapted to the handling of the new Lamp PlugIns. Since Light and Building the OSRAM Lamp PlugIn is available. The Lighting designer is now able to select suitable lamps. Having a complete luminaire catalogue (PlugIn) the luminaire defines which lamp suits into the fixture. The lighting designer is able to select those lamps that perfectly fit to the demands the project defines, maybe it’s the luminous flux, the colour of light, the colour rendering, the beam angle or the maintenance factor.
The possibility to make an optimization for the road lighting arrangement in regard of pole distance, pole height, type of fixture or something else is one of the key features of DIALux road lighting. This feature has now been expanded to the specific Danish and South African Standards (SANS). DIALux is continuously adapted to the needs of international and national standards.
Again some improvements in the conversion of metric and imperial units. (ft <-> m and fc <-> lx)
Using a big number of ground elements in a lighting design of an exterior scene a memory leak could appear. This has been fixed now.
If a huge number of surfaces have been selected for generating out prints also a memory leak could appear. Also this has been fixed now.
Several smaller bug fixes and adjustments
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